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Ces travaux conduits par nos équipes scientifiques nous permettent ainsi d’enregistrer nos 94ème, 95ème, 96ème, 97ème, 98ème et 99ème articles publiés.

HTRA1 activation is driven by an allosteric mechanism of inter-monomer communication.

Basophils from allergic patients are neither hyper-responsive to activation signals nor hypo-responsive to inhibition signals.

Five-year antibody persistence following a Japanese encephalitis chimeric virus vaccine (JE-CV) booster in JE-CV-primed children in the Philippines

Droplet digital PCR improves absolute quantification of viable lactic acid bacteria in faecal samples.

In-depth interviews of patients with primary immunodeficiency who have experienced pump and rapid push subcutaneous infusions of immunoglobulins reveal new insights on their preference and expectations.

A French observational study describing the use of human polyvalent immunoglobulins in hematological malignancy-associated secondary immunodeficiency

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